Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Doctor vs Patient

Have you ever heard the word “cure” in a doctors’ office?
I haven’t. In fact I went to the doctor once this past year because I had my mouth and throat full with small blisters and I wanted to see if they were a bacterial infection or just a cold virus… I had been sick for about 3 days before my husband actually called the doctors’ office in my place since I had completely lost my voice.
The blisters made me unable to eat anything except for ice cream… making me very tired and my energy was drained to the bottom just by driving to the doctor.

In the doctors’ office I felt very dizzy and asked to lie down on the bed that I was sitting on in the examination room. That was fine and he took my blood pressure, which I am sure was a little bit low. He finally got to my mouth and my throat, looked for a few seconds and then turned around and started writing a prescription for some antibiotics!!!! I could almost not believe what I was seeing… unable to speak I couldn’t even confront him with it. I wanted to ask him why he wanted to give me antibiotics without even having done a throat swab or blood test to check if my condition was due to a virus or a bacterial infection…

I was left with the same question that I had walked to the office with; no answers just dumb founded about my doctors’ actions…

The decision was now up to me… Should I take the antibiotics or not?!
Well at this time I was so tired that I didn’t have energy to go the pharmacy so I went straight home and went to bed. I probably slept for two hours without even changing position. After waking up I decided that I was going to wait and see what happened over the next two days since most soar throats usually lasts for 5 days and there is NOTHING antibiotics can do about it. If the blisters were still grabbing on to my throat after those 5 days I would take the antibiotics…

Luckily I was right to trust my instincts – it must have been a virus infection, because in two more days the blisters were gone and I was back at being my normal self, without the antibiotics. The question that is still in my head is off course what my doctor wanted to accomplish; was he looking to be the hero, curing me from my soar throat knowing that it would past with or without drugs, or was he just trying to sell more medicine to climb the commission latter??? I still don’t know, but I will for sure, if I ever have to go back there question every singe diagnose he makes. I will never trust him!

Health Care is today plain and simple SICK CARE!
The health (sick) industry makes money on you being sick – why in the world would they want to cure you???!! That is just not profitable enough!
They will keep you sick or tell you that you are sick to keep you in the loop and helping the drug companies reach their goal of 10 prescriptions per person…

Disgusting? YES!
True? YES!
Something we can do about it? YES!

Have a wonderful and healthy afternoon!

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