Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vitamin D, LCHF and Swine Flu

Today at work everyone received an email about the swine flue; stating different things to think about when trying to prevent getting infected by it, but what they also said was "Do not self-medicate" and I wrote a response to their contact email. I am not expecting to see an answer, or an action based on what I wrote, but I was unable to keep quiet. So after sending it to them I thought I could send it to all of you, so I can educate more people than only those reading that email:


First of all I would like to thank you for constantly updating us on the Swine flu issue; and as we are reaching fall and winter season soon information like this should increase, helping people to remember some easy avoiding techniques.

However, I think it is horribly wrong to tell people “Do not self-medicate” as there are numerous of findings out there telling us to what benefits we can receive from adding Vitamin D3 to our daily diet.

Vitamin D has been known for many years as the bone health vitamin only. Luckily we know much better today – as there are Vitamin D receptors on almost every cell in the body (Dr. E. Owings). Vitamin D is also referred to as the sunshine-vitamin as we receive most of our Vitamin D levels from skin exposure to the UVB light from the sun. As a matter of fact the skin can make up to 50,000 IU of Vitamin D in one day, even though 20,000 IU is more common (Dr. E. Owings).

Vitamin D is technically not a vitamin, but a hormone. And at enough vitamin D levels in the blood, vitamin D is known to prevent from: 17 different cancers, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, periodontal disease (Dr. J. Cannell). And as well as improving many diseases Vitamin D gives us substantial protection from viral infections, including influenza and the swine flue (Dr. W. Davis).

As the US government recommendation stays at a low 200 IU per day – experts are calling for much higher dosages: Children are recommended to take 1000 IU per every 25 pounds of body weight and the recommendation for adults is 5000 IU or more if over weight. A recommended blood level of vitamin D should stay in between 50-80 ng/mL (125-200 nM/L) (Dr. J. Cannell) and this can be tested through a test called: 25-hydroxyvitamin D test at your doctor’s office.

So how do we obtain an efficient level of Vitamin D? Either we can spend most of our days outside in the sun with as little clothes as possible, right?! Well wrong – it is impossible, in the winter, for those who live above the 37th parallel to get enough vitamin D from sunlight. The 37th parallel would represent a line starting in Santa Cruz (south of San Francisco) California continuing on the northern border of Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina… And still the people on the southern side of this border people are not getting enough Vitamin D by sun exposure (Dr. E. Owings). Why? Well air pollutant, sun block, fear of skin cancer, skin color – the lighter skin the better we can absorb the vitamin D from the sun, and age – the older we are the less effective is the vitamin D metabolism in the skin.

So what else contains vitamin D3? Milk – an adult would have to drink 50 glasses in a day to obtain these levels, and this is off course not something anyone should do. But the proper way of supplementing vitamin D3 is by food supplementation that can be found in many local stores such as CVS or GNC.

Why Vitamin D3 and not just Vitamin D. Well if you go to your doctor and ask for vitamin D he will simply give you D2. D2 is called Ergocalciferol and is made from irradiated mushrooms and is not a human form of vitamin D as vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) is. D3 is extracted from wool in an animal friendly way. The reason why most doctors gives you D2 is based on pharmaceutical industry marketing and not concern for what is healthiest or most natural (Dr. E. Owings). D2 is not only unnatural to us humans, but not even nearly as efficient as D3. To reach the same levels as 5,000 IU of D3 you need to supplement with 15,000 IU of D2 (Dr. W. Davis). Also, Vitamin D3 does not come with all the side effects that D2 has.

So what does Vitamin D3 do to prevent the swine flue? Well it boosts the immune system better than anything out there. It boosts both the innate and the immediate immune system (Dr. J. Cannell) giving you the best protection ever recorded (Dr. E. Owings).

Off course there are other things we can do to boost our immune system but most people will think I am crazy when saying this: Stop eating, or at least decrease your intake of highly inflammatory carbohydrates (bread, pasta, potatoes, chips, rice, cake, breakfast cereals…) and start eating more natural cheeses, butter, animal fat, avocados, cream and so on. Never look at a “low fat” or “non fat” product ever again! If you are still dead set on that carbohydrates being healthy for you, please start supplementing with some Omega 3 as you are getting too many unhealthy omega 6 from your daily carbohydrates…

A low carbohydrate diet contains of 10 gr per day and a mediate intake contains of 50 gr per day. Levels over this should be avoided for a better health, along with eating high levels of natural fat.

I would be very happy if you could distribute at least a little note to our employees about the benefits of supplementing with Vitamin D3 over the fall-winter-spring season as it is known to fight many unwelcomed diseases and illnesses. I would be more than happy to be a contact person for people with questions regarding this, but I understand if this is a legal matter too.

To read some of the references please click on the links below:

With my warmest regards,

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