Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hormone treatment can mean more than one thing

As I was laying in bed this morning I had the Early Show on and I was only paying half attention to it until they started to talk about risks with hormone replacement for women going through menopause. Thankfully many women select to not receive any hormone treatment when they go through it, but others feel that they have no option, or don't really know what they are getting themselves into... 

This is a written piece on pretty much the same interview Please Click HERE to see the original post and recording:

(CBS)  Since 2002 when the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study showed an increase risk of breast cancer for women using estrogen and progestin, hormone use has dropped off. But the debate still rages on about just what the risk is.

Now, new findings in a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) further clarify that risk.

The study found that, compared with women who had never used hormone therapy, women who used estrogen therapy for more than 15 years had a 19 percent greater risk of developing breast cancer.

Women who used combined therapy with estrogen plus progestin for 15 or more years had an 83 percent greater risk. Breast cancer risk was highest among women who used the combination regimen.

Other important findings :

• Risk varied according to Body Mass Index (BMI), with greater risks for thinner women.

• Longer duration of hormone therapy increased breast cancer risk.

So what should women take away from this new study?

According to CBS News Medical Correspondent and OB-GYN, Dr. Jennifer Ashton, this study looked at women taking hormone replacement therapy, also known as HRT, over a certain period of time and then helped to stratify their risk of breast cancer.

While we already know HRT increases the risk of breast cancer, Ashton points out this study focuses on duration of use and combination of HRT, including estrogen and progesterone.

The findings that women who used combined therapy with estrogen plus progestin for 15 or more years had an 83 percent greater risk raises a lot of concern, "Early Show" co-anchor Erica Hill pointed out.

"If taken for more than 15 years," Ashton reiterates. "Remember, if it was 100 percent risk, that would be equivalent to doubling your risk. This 83 percent is actually very similar to what came out in 2002."

Therefore, length of time is important.

"Length of time, longer risk associated with higher risk. Women who took HRT for about two years really showed a minimal increase in their breast cancer risk, so that's important.

"Women who took both combination, as we just saw, estrogen and progesterone, had a higher risk. And women who took what we call continuously without a break also had a higher risk. So that further delineates what the risks are. So like anything, (it's about) risk versus benefits. You want to be able to stratify those risks as much as possible," she added.

Weight also plays a significant role, but the results are surprising.

"Usually we hear obesity can contribute to the risk of breast cancer. This study found thinner women had higher risk," Ashton explained. "It's important to remember, again, this needs to be individually discussed with your doctor, that WHI study from 2002 actually found hormone replacement therapy can lessen the risk of colon cancer. So, if that's a bigger risk for you versus breast cancer, you want to discuss that with your doctor. It's not a simple equation." 
What do I think about it...  Well, first I think we need to separate the term "hormone treatment" a little bit more. What they in this case are referring to is synthetic hormones, estrogen and progestin.. those found in regular birth control pills. They are dangerous! No question about it... and in combination they are a secured road to many complications now and later on in life. The hormones used is not natural even though many doctors will refer to it as natural hormone replacement.

What we need to focus on is NATURAL ways of reaching optimal health - something that in many cases will not be supported by your doctor because he or she can always refer to it as "there is no proof". But remember that just because it is not published in the big medical journals does not mean it has not been researched, only thing is that most of the natural methods does not have the big medical companies backing them up with a big fat pay check and getting them in publications can be a little hard. But that does not mean that they don't exist. 

This is were every woman needs to take an active decision in her life. Is she going to educate herself or is she going to let someone use her body as their personal guinea pig? But here is the second hurdle - how do you know you are learning what is right and most beneficial for you?? At first everything is going to look the same. But you want to look for words as holistic, natural, and reformed. Starting out by reading any of Dr John R Lee's books about hormones will give you a giant leap compared to others just like you... You will know so many things that your doctor may or may not even know, and if they know they may chose to not share it with you. 

I am even here willing to say that hormone treatment is beneficial for you, if you need it, but you need to know what hormones you need and where to get them. If you received them through a prescription from your doctor a RED light should go off... Natural Progesterone Cream is good, Natural Vitamin D3 is good, and Natural herbs to stimulate your adrenal gland and your cortisol levels are good!!! And that to me would also classify as hormone treatment - right?!

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