Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So how can a product make me so excited?

Well first I have always been for preventing rather than treating. Second I prefer natural products over man-made chemicals. Third, these products are backed by Nobel Prize Winning formulas!

The company has more products but our leading 3 products contains a natural occurring Amino Acid called L-Arginine. L-Arginine together with L-Citruline (that all these products also contain) makes your blood vessels relaxed and makes the inside of them like Teflon, NOTHING sticks to it.

What this wonderful Amino Acid does goes beyond that… It is all a chain of great things for everyone interested in improving their health and life. Listen to this and in the end it will all make so much sense.

When your arteries and vessels are smooth and “clean” your body will be able to take up and use the vitamins, minerals and nutrients from your food and your supplementation much more effectively than before. Your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to supply your body with healthy blood flow, and that leads to lowering blood pressure. You will be full of energy the whole day long. (It makes sense doesn’t it?!) I can go on and on about what L-Arginine and L-Citruline can do for you when taken at the same time, so here is a list of great things:

L-Arginine and L-Citruline may…:
Lower Blood Pressure (Lancet, 1990)
Lower Cholesterol & Triglycerides (J Nutr 1996)
Improve Diabetes (Diabetes Care 2001)
Reduce Blood Clots & Stroke (Circulation 2001)
Improve Wound Healing (Surgery 1993)
Improve Kidney & Liver Function (Kidney Int 1999)
Improve Memory & Cognitive Functions (J Physiol Pharmacol 1999)
Increase Human Groth Hormone/ Anti Age (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000)
Improve Muscle Growth & Performance (Med Sci Sports Excer 2000)
Reduce pregnancy-related hypertension (Hypertension 1997)
Be useful in treatment of asthma and lung disorders by opening pulmonary pathways (J Appl Physiol 2001)

Off course everything we take have side-effects… these are the side effects of L-Arginine:
Increased Energy
Improved Memory
Increased Immune System
Improved Sleep
Increased Muscle Toning
Loss of Weight
Better Athletic Performance
Quicker Wound Healing
Increased Sexual Function

And so much more…

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