Monday, April 26, 2010

Change of heart

I don't know what it is but I am changing. I am becoming more than I have ever been. My mind is running and I have created so many ideas in such a sort time that I am having a hard time keeping up with it.

I still love health and the right way to accomplish it - and I still believe that LCHF is the way to go for most people. But I am not promoting it the way I used to just a few months ago. I don't know why, I just go about my business I guess...

And my business has started. (I have added a little extra bar on the right for my Candie Ink Shop.) It is an exciting step in my life and as of right now I can only make it BIGGER and BETTER! I am not even thinking the thought - 'what if they don't like it'? I know that people out there will like it and it is making me very calm in some strange way. I am off course still in the process of trying to figure out how to make it bigger and better... as it is an ever changing world, especially with fighting for the space out on the web.

Yesterday my Hubby and I were stuck at airports and in planes due to the crazy thunderstorm hitting the entire east coast. We ended up being home at 3.35 am when we thought we would have been home around 8pm last night... Anyway I ended up buying a book just to have something to do. And the book I finally picked up was 'Why we want you to be rich' by Donald J. Trump and Robert Kiyosaki and have already read over 100 pages in the book. 

So for some strange reason I think that we were meant not to get out in time. I was meant to find that book, and I was meant to read it. It is like the book has a hidden message to me... After just reading a short part of the book my head is already spinning trying to make sense of what I want to do... 

What is MY life all about??
I know for sure that it is not security I want but Freedom - the work I do from now on should be focused on only that!


  1. Very exciting! I am a big believer in being "meant" to find certain things when we do. "When the student is ready the teacher will appear" is something I believe.

  2. That is a great way of putting it, I have never heard that one before - but it is so true! I almost get dizzy when I think about what I am meant to do with my life. I guess the real Capricorn is really coming out now :D And I can't love this situation more! So excited about EVERYTHING!!!
