Friday, April 30, 2010

First Step...

So I think I have gotten some things down now...
I am for real starting to see the life I was meant to live and here is my first "Why I do IT" list:

- I get up at 5am Monday-Friday ~Because I WANT to get ahead in LIFE
- I work out on the elliptical 30-60 minutes 5 times a week ~Because I KNOW it makes me look and feel better
- I do strength exercise (weights/yoga/pilates) twice a week ~Because it compliments my other efforts of LOOKING and FEELING better
- I give up eating wheat and sugar ~Because they are NOT the core of my HAPPINESS - People I love and things I accomplish are
- I dedicate 60 minutes a day on my FINANCIAL IQ training ~Because I want to live an EXCITING, FREE, and RICH life as well as support the people I love
- I create and work for my business at least 14 hours a week ~Because I love it and I see possibilities for EXPANSION
- I am DEDICATED to WORK HARD to get to where I want to be and realize that it is going to take years, not just weeks or months. And I will NEVER GIVE UP ON MY DREAM

My dream is to one day be able to teach others how I made my dreams come true. I want to teach them why I was able to pay off my student loan with one single check, I want to show them why I now call multiple houses my home, I want to show them why I no longer fly commercial but private, I want to show them how they can also have their name on a building, I want to show them the difference between security and freedom, I want to show them the real meaning of what leverage is, I want to show them how the can accomplish the exact same thing over and over again no matter who they are or how much money they already have (or don't have).

How is that for a start?

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