Monday, October 25, 2010

No Ovulation

Just as I thought everything was FINALLY over for all my symptoms I have now realized that my cycles are not as normal as they should. More then half of them happen without me getting ovulation! That basically means that the body will keep producing estrogen all the way through the cycle giving me a nice flashback of my years on the pill!

I get amazed by everything new that happens to me.. what if we could ALL learn these things when we are in high school instead?!?! So we don't have to play this guessing game with ourselves all the time! I am getting a little discourage...

So I have already figured out that my body does not make enough progesterone and my body was 'infected' with estrogen... well now on top of that it does not ovulate either every month. Which makes the progesterone deficiency a little bit worse. What happens is that I get all the nice symptoms of too much estrogen.. weight gain, tired, carb sensitive, and weepy! Lovely!!!

So now I am going to work out that part too.. Herbs - here I come!
Just ordered some herbs I have never tried before from and feel hopeful that they will work. Even though I am not looking to get pregnant, I want my body to FUNCTION like a normal woman's body and have ovulation every single cycle - is that really too much to ask??!

So I have now ordered the following herbal supplements:
False Unicorn Root - Sounded so mystical and wonderful.. :) and it will help getting my cycles back on track and heal my uterus.
Siberian Ginseng - for some energy and Adrenal function
Smilax / Sarasparilla - for hormone balance
Licorice Root - Adrenal health and hormone balance

Anyone tried it?

First time iHerb customers will get $5 off; use the promotion code HIS994 


  1. My cycles have been getting more and more normal (and my basal temps are higher both pre-and post thermal shift) now that I'm taking B-complex and C vitamins. Try that if you haven't already!

  2. I am taking C but have been off and on with my B's. I just wish it didn't have to be so complicated, that it could just WORK! You know..

    I am going to start taking my temp again this next coming cycle too just as a guideline. I know I will hate it, but it will be so much better for me if I know if I am ovulating or not before my symptoms are hitting me. That way I can use the right supplements and the right dose after my need!

    I love the progesterone cream though - it has been a life saver!! Just ordered two more so I have it at home, don't ever plan to run out.
