But I love him more today than the day I married him.
Happy Anniversary my One and Only
Monday, June 28, 2010
Happy Anniversary Honey
Today is the day... 2 years ago... Mmmmmm.... I want that moment back so bad. It was so much fun and so romantic.
I was thinking that I should try on my dress just for fun, but have decided against it - It will not fit even a little bit! And it will not be a motivator at this point, I am just too far away from getting into it again. I know I will one day but not yet. So today I am just going to enjoy watching the pictures of our wedding from two years ago.
I was thinking that I should try on my dress just for fun, but have decided against it - It will not fit even a little bit! And it will not be a motivator at this point, I am just too far away from getting into it again. I know I will one day but not yet. So today I am just going to enjoy watching the pictures of our wedding from two years ago.
Love you my dearest!
Friday, June 25, 2010
iHerb $5 Coupon
I am so glad to share this with you all!
I am, as you all know a strong believer in supplements - but the right kind of supplements. There are so many scams out there since there when it comes to supplements. In fact, the products does not even have to contain what the ingredient list says it does. And when it comes to many people we don't know what type of the specific supplement that is good... we just go and grab something and think that it is good.
Synthetic is bad - and taking synthetic supplement might do you more harm than good...
I found iHerb.com to be very diverse - meaning that I don't think that everything they have is good, but they have some diamonds in the rough, you just have to know what you are looking for!
I have so far bought a thyroid supplement containing both kelp and some b-vitamins. I feel so great when I take it, I take one capsule in the morning and one for lunch. (I also supplement with only kelp in the afternoon and evening to reach my level of 600mcg of iodine per day). It keeps my blood sugar stable, and my energy UP! I love it!!
I also bought some Magnesium. Previous I was someone that thought, just as I described above, that all magnesium is the same... sadly that is not true. Magnesium is a mineral that is pretty hard for the body to absorb - but also a vital mineral for many people. I started to take it as I was having heart palpitations due to yasmin (birth control) and was from the beginning taking magnesium as magnesium oxide. I have to admit that I was surprised that nothing happened, I didn't see the improvements.. but since I started taking the high absorption magnesium / chelated magnesium I haven't had one little incident!
I recently placed an order on that organic whey protein that I talked about in the previous post and at checkout they gave me a code that I can share with anyone! The coupon code gives all new customers $5 discount!!! And if you spend $40 the shipping is free too (within the US).
I am, as you all know a strong believer in supplements - but the right kind of supplements. There are so many scams out there since there when it comes to supplements. In fact, the products does not even have to contain what the ingredient list says it does. And when it comes to many people we don't know what type of the specific supplement that is good... we just go and grab something and think that it is good.
Synthetic is bad - and taking synthetic supplement might do you more harm than good...
I found iHerb.com to be very diverse - meaning that I don't think that everything they have is good, but they have some diamonds in the rough, you just have to know what you are looking for!
I have so far bought a thyroid supplement containing both kelp and some b-vitamins. I feel so great when I take it, I take one capsule in the morning and one for lunch. (I also supplement with only kelp in the afternoon and evening to reach my level of 600mcg of iodine per day). It keeps my blood sugar stable, and my energy UP! I love it!!
I also bought some Magnesium. Previous I was someone that thought, just as I described above, that all magnesium is the same... sadly that is not true. Magnesium is a mineral that is pretty hard for the body to absorb - but also a vital mineral for many people. I started to take it as I was having heart palpitations due to yasmin (birth control) and was from the beginning taking magnesium as magnesium oxide. I have to admit that I was surprised that nothing happened, I didn't see the improvements.. but since I started taking the high absorption magnesium / chelated magnesium I haven't had one little incident!
I recently placed an order on that organic whey protein that I talked about in the previous post and at checkout they gave me a code that I can share with anyone! The coupon code gives all new customers $5 discount!!! And if you spend $40 the shipping is free too (within the US).
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Protein Shakes - Watch out!
Time really going too fast one second and too slow the next - I can't keep up.
I am still working on my colon cleanse and I feel great about it and plan to once I am done to start drinking protein shake in the morning instead. As I was doing research I found a pretty disturbing article about the brands: 'Muscle Milk' and 'EAS Myoplex' apparently they are pretty dangerous to your health!!! Not because of the protein but because of some other horrible ingredients, that is not listed on the package:
EAS Myoplex Original Rich Dark Chocolate contain in 3 servings: 16.9 mcg Arsenic and 5.1 mcg Cadmium.
Muscle Milk Chocolate Powder and Vanilla Cream contain in 3 servings: 5.6 mcg Cadminum, 13.5 mcg Lead, 12.2 mcg Arsenic, and 0.7 mcg Mercury!!!
WOW - and just imagine - some pregnant women are taking this just to try to stay healthy without knowing what it really is! (Find the Report by Dr. Mercola - Warning: Some Protein Drinks Could Poison You).
Dr. Mercola in his article off course offers his advise and tell the reader to buy HIS whey protein... but there is no place where you can read the ingredients... so I decided to look for an organic whey protein somewhere else. This is what I found: Whey To Health by iHerb.com I think I will try it soon...
As far as my weight loss - it is still slow but I manage to break 165 lbs the other day which was a nice step... It goes up and down though and some days I get up to 168 lbs and some down to 166 on a regular basis. I believe that some more protein is what I am missing here. So that organic whey protein might help me out!
I am still working on my colon cleanse and I feel great about it and plan to once I am done to start drinking protein shake in the morning instead. As I was doing research I found a pretty disturbing article about the brands: 'Muscle Milk' and 'EAS Myoplex' apparently they are pretty dangerous to your health!!! Not because of the protein but because of some other horrible ingredients, that is not listed on the package:
EAS Myoplex Original Rich Dark Chocolate contain in 3 servings: 16.9 mcg Arsenic and 5.1 mcg Cadmium.
Muscle Milk Chocolate Powder and Vanilla Cream contain in 3 servings: 5.6 mcg Cadminum, 13.5 mcg Lead, 12.2 mcg Arsenic, and 0.7 mcg Mercury!!!
WOW - and just imagine - some pregnant women are taking this just to try to stay healthy without knowing what it really is! (Find the Report by Dr. Mercola - Warning: Some Protein Drinks Could Poison You).
Dr. Mercola in his article off course offers his advise and tell the reader to buy HIS whey protein... but there is no place where you can read the ingredients... so I decided to look for an organic whey protein somewhere else. This is what I found: Whey To Health by iHerb.com I think I will try it soon...
As far as my weight loss - it is still slow but I manage to break 165 lbs the other day which was a nice step... It goes up and down though and some days I get up to 168 lbs and some down to 166 on a regular basis. I believe that some more protein is what I am missing here. So that organic whey protein might help me out!
Monday, June 21, 2010
A Royal Wedding
Finally - our Princess finally got her Prince!
Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria got married on June 19 with her Daniel and I just wanted to share some pictures with you all as this is big in Sweden. I bet at least 50% of all people were following the whole thing on TV from beginning til end.
Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria got married on June 19 with her Daniel and I just wanted to share some pictures with you all as this is big in Sweden. I bet at least 50% of all people were following the whole thing on TV from beginning til end.
Younger sister Princess Madeleine and the Queen Silvia arriving to the church
The Groom Daniel who with this wedding becomes a Prince, here with Prince Carl Philip the Best Man
Crown Princess Victoria arrives to the church with her father King Carl Gustaf
Walking down the isle
She is yours Daniel...
Exchanging Rings
They just love each other so much
Married; time to party!
Throw Stockholm to say hello to the people
Boat Ride, Stockholm is built up on islands
To the castle
Congratulations from her brother
Sister Hug
"Thank you all for giving me my prince" was her words to the Swedes
So great... what a feeling!
Dinner and Prince Daniel gave the best speech of them all
Cutting of the over 3meter tall wedding cake
Looks pretty good!
Wedding Dance
The King and Queen during the wedding dance
Let's hope for a Happily ever after...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Random things
This is a summary of what is going on in my mind these days... It has been a lot and it does not slow down. I like it that way, but I tend to overdo things when I get started on something new.
So, since the reprogramming of my brain over the first weekend in June I am starting to grasp what is going on. We are about to start our next step in our journey and tonight is the first online session of a course called Rich Investor. It will basically help us build our Power Team - the people we need around us to succeed fast, safe, and legal. And tomorrow we are meeting with a CPA to set up our business.
Next we need to find an Attorney, then a Real Estate Agent, Mortgage Broker, Community Bank... and the list goes on. We are also looking for Rehabbers in the Philadelphia area, or someone that wants to buy a 'handy man' house.
On the baby clothing part of my life, a life that is getting drastically smaller, I finally got a hold of a baby girl to do some pictures with. I will post some of the items soon on my Etsy shop.
My weight loss is slow but I am still working out 5 days a week and have finally reached 60 minutes on the elliptical. 60 minutes feels like an eternity but lots of calories are burnt and I feel great! I keep my LCHF up and have become a little stricter with what I eat during the weekdays.
I also experienced some horrible bloating and cramps - not sure if they were feminine related or not so I decided to do a colon cleanse and it seems like it is going just great...
That was my random things for today... I just wanted to give you an update. I didn't want you to think that I had given up on things.. I am just busy trying to do everything I need to get done.
So, since the reprogramming of my brain over the first weekend in June I am starting to grasp what is going on. We are about to start our next step in our journey and tonight is the first online session of a course called Rich Investor. It will basically help us build our Power Team - the people we need around us to succeed fast, safe, and legal. And tomorrow we are meeting with a CPA to set up our business.
Next we need to find an Attorney, then a Real Estate Agent, Mortgage Broker, Community Bank... and the list goes on. We are also looking for Rehabbers in the Philadelphia area, or someone that wants to buy a 'handy man' house.
On the baby clothing part of my life, a life that is getting drastically smaller, I finally got a hold of a baby girl to do some pictures with. I will post some of the items soon on my Etsy shop.
My weight loss is slow but I am still working out 5 days a week and have finally reached 60 minutes on the elliptical. 60 minutes feels like an eternity but lots of calories are burnt and I feel great! I keep my LCHF up and have become a little stricter with what I eat during the weekdays.
I also experienced some horrible bloating and cramps - not sure if they were feminine related or not so I decided to do a colon cleanse and it seems like it is going just great...
That was my random things for today... I just wanted to give you an update. I didn't want you to think that I had given up on things.. I am just busy trying to do everything I need to get done.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
New Beginnings
My husband and I have had a life changing weekend. This wasn't a 'light bulb' moment but rather a million of spotlights... I feel so overwhelmed but so excited.
Things really have a strange way of finding ways to get your attention. What is happening now is all because of that flight back home from Florida being late a month ago... I have a hard time explaining what is going on mostly because my mind is still smoking from the deep fried I experienced over the weekend. It was system overload! My little brain had to be re-programed into something new. Something that can see opportunities in what is going on in this economy... It has opened my eyes to a whole new world - A world I knew existed but never knew how to get my hands on... now I am beginning to know.
If you have to read only one book in your life, you have to read 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki. It won't make you an expert of any sort but it gives you an idea of what you are missing... then the choice is up to you on how to move on from there. I have chosen, and I have chosen to become the person of my dreams!
Things really have a strange way of finding ways to get your attention. What is happening now is all because of that flight back home from Florida being late a month ago... I have a hard time explaining what is going on mostly because my mind is still smoking from the deep fried I experienced over the weekend. It was system overload! My little brain had to be re-programed into something new. Something that can see opportunities in what is going on in this economy... It has opened my eyes to a whole new world - A world I knew existed but never knew how to get my hands on... now I am beginning to know.
If you have to read only one book in your life, you have to read 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki. It won't make you an expert of any sort but it gives you an idea of what you are missing... then the choice is up to you on how to move on from there. I have chosen, and I have chosen to become the person of my dreams!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I feel like a balloon! I had pasta on Tuesday night and I still feel like shit from it. On Wednesday when I woke up I was up to 172 lbs (higher than when I started my diet). I feel like a failure right now... It is horrible.
I am not giving up, not at all - I am just learning my lesson all over again - NO WHEAT for me!!! Not even my favorite kind of wheat. I love pasta and I try not to eat it too often but sometimes I just have to have it... well maybe next time I will think more than once before going for it.
So the battle continues...
I am trying to drink more water then I normally do in hope of my extra weight is water weight and drinking more might help my body not retain so much of it. I don't know.
My lower back has also been bothering me horrible. Waking up, sitting, walking, working out on the elliptical... yesterday I finally went to my chiropractor, or NUCCA specialist at Bucks County Spinal Care and he made the pain go away with his magic. I am not kidding I step in there and explained where it was bothering me, he did his thing and as I was laying there I could feel my spine slowly adjusting to something new. When he was done he asked me to move around to feel it... I started by bending over to reach the floor with my hands touching the floor.. As I was going down the first time I still could feel the pain a little bit but I was able to reach much further than I have been in weeks... and then I did it again and I could not believe what I was feeling - NOTHING! The pain was gone, really gone!
Later the same night, by the time Flyers was playing the muscles in the area was getting a litte sore from the adjustment and today I can feel it too.. But being sore from that is much better than being in pain! Now I only have to wait until it settles down and enjoy exercising again.
I do not want to feel like a balloon much longer! As a matter of fact I don't want to feel it at all...

So the battle continues...
I am trying to drink more water then I normally do in hope of my extra weight is water weight and drinking more might help my body not retain so much of it. I don't know.
My lower back has also been bothering me horrible. Waking up, sitting, walking, working out on the elliptical... yesterday I finally went to my chiropractor, or NUCCA specialist at Bucks County Spinal Care and he made the pain go away with his magic. I am not kidding I step in there and explained where it was bothering me, he did his thing and as I was laying there I could feel my spine slowly adjusting to something new. When he was done he asked me to move around to feel it... I started by bending over to reach the floor with my hands touching the floor.. As I was going down the first time I still could feel the pain a little bit but I was able to reach much further than I have been in weeks... and then I did it again and I could not believe what I was feeling - NOTHING! The pain was gone, really gone!
Later the same night, by the time Flyers was playing the muscles in the area was getting a litte sore from the adjustment and today I can feel it too.. But being sore from that is much better than being in pain! Now I only have to wait until it settles down and enjoy exercising again.
I do not want to feel like a balloon much longer! As a matter of fact I don't want to feel it at all...
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend
Ohh... I think that we all can agree on that ONE single day extra off is amazing and does so much for your soul. I spent most of my Saturday to clean up the week-mess that I always have. Clothes are all over the place and dirty laundry is taking up the whole basket, the refrigerator is empty... you know, all boring things. But then I was free... Sunday and Monday the bikini did it's premier in day light. It is strange but I really don't like showing myself in that bikini at this point. I hate my body! I know I am basically showing my body to the whole world by having it on my blog, but it is not the same. You guys know I am trying to lose weight and the pictures actually shows my progress and/or set backs. It is an inspiration to both you and me... But having people stand there and look at me, who knows what they are thinking... "she really shouldn't wear that bikini" "did she look herself in the mirror"... and all those nasty things people can think or say to each other.
I know I am not pretty, I know I am not the size I want to be, I know all that, I really do. But I have the right to relax by the pool while I am working at it without people judging me. Or maybe the only person judging me is me???
Anyway I enjoyed the long weekend and I hope to be able to spend many days by a poolside this summer. And every time I should be a little bit slimmer.
I know I am not pretty, I know I am not the size I want to be, I know all that, I really do. But I have the right to relax by the pool while I am working at it without people judging me. Or maybe the only person judging me is me???
Anyway I enjoyed the long weekend and I hope to be able to spend many days by a poolside this summer. And every time I should be a little bit slimmer.
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