Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 3 - Ohhh... my body is TIRED

The third day of my new life and I was very sore waking up. My back felt stiff and my legs felt like they were made out of lead. The exercise for the day was yoga/pilates/weights and I did a shorter yoga session by myself. I focused on a lot of stretching so some might say that it was not really yoga. But to get started for real with my yoga I need to warm myself up for it. It is not easy!

After work I went to a workshop that I signed up for over the weekend as a part of my new life achievements and have gotten one step closer to that airplane ;) The workshop was so exciting that I was literally bubbling inside; I just wanted to stand up and scream!! It is like someone just opened the door to a better life and I have not hesitated to step through.... inside the doors there is this stairway and I have just started to climb them. I signed up for a class about Investing in Real Estate that is going to be a 3 day course in the beginning of June, trying to get my hubby to come with me so we can learn together and be Powerful Together!!

30 minutes yoga and stretch - ??? kcal burned

Breakfast - One Fage Greek Yogurt 2% (I really like the regular one but they don't have that one at the grocery stores around me) and some organic crushed rasberries
Lunch - Salad with Iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, swiss cheese and ranch dressing, diet coke
Snack - strawberries and cashews on my way to the workshop
Dinner - Fried mozzarella cheese. (Buy the nicest mozzarella you can find and slice it, rinse with cold water and roll them in crushed almonds, fry in pan with butter on both sides for a little bit. Eat right away) with tomato and extra virgin olive oil. Delicious!!

Are same as always just go back to Day 1

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