Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Mind Game

It’s been a week now since I decided to do something about my weight. I prepared a little note book (that I can’t seem to find now…) but on the front I wrote some valuable quotes that I would like to share with you all. (I don’t have the name of the authors, sorry about that).

There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something

Knowing is not enough; we must apply
Willing is not enough; we must do

We are still masters of our fate
We are still captains of our souls

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out

I read this at least once every day to keep me on track. It is so easy to loose focus when it is easier to just eat what you want than to follow a plan. I need some reminders of why I am doing this. The quotes are one of those reminders. I also put a picture up on the bathroom mirror of one of those fabulous Victoria Secret models. I know I will never look like them (but they probably don’t look like them either to come think of it) but I have to reach for the stars to get to the moon, right?!

I write small notes when I feel I need to in my note book. When something is hard, when something is easy, when I feel happy, when I feel sad… just notes so I can go back and see my progress. This is a huge mind game I am playing. I have been on diets before… and none of them has been this hard, not even close to this hard. I can’t really pin point why this one is so much harder than the others… but it is probably many things combined. To try to squeeze in a diet to an already busy schedule is hard but so many people do it – I am no different than them, I can do it too.

I haven’t weight myself nor measured myself since I started. I will probably wait until Sunday before I do… mostly because I don’t think a lot has improved yet. I managed to do one 90 minutes yoga class last week. I never thought yoga could be so un-relaxing. It was painful and I was very dizzy most of the time. The instructor and I agreed that I should come and do yoga three times a week to try to get all my toxins out of the body (Yes, I told him about my Yasmin situation and he was very understanding). But I think it will be a while before I can pull off three in one week. Not to mention the classes starts at 6.00 in the morning and I am NOT a morning person. So it may not have been a completely chock that I was dizzy. Today before work I did a 40-minute walk. It was very nice and I love the fresh air I get for free while doing it. I woke up a little too late or I would have done 60 minutes. But 40 minutes is still better than nothing.

One thing that has happened since I started is; yesterday when I came home from work I found my husband on the elliptical machine – our very unused elliptical machine, if I may add. I guess he is giving it a try now too. :D The more the merrier!

So to round it up – things are going slowly, but at least forward. My hardest fights right now are with my mind and not my body… I sometimes wonder what others use as a mind booster as far as keeping on track… I don’t know. Maybe they don’t need a booster, maybe their minds are much stronger than mine?!

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